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Child's first bicycle safety tips


Baby Proofing Directory > Travel Safety > Bicycle Travel >

Introducing your child to the world of biking is a great thing, but a word of caution before you cycle off into the sunset. No one should be allowed on a bike unless they are wearing a helmet! No excuses. This usually means that you will have to hold off on bike rides until your child is a bit older.

Most helmet manufacturers don’t make head gear for such tiny tots- so it is recommended that you don’t venture out for a bike ride until your child is at least a year old. By that time, you should be able to find a helmet to fit the child.

1. All riders should wear a helmet at all times.

2. A one year old can normally handle the weight of a helmet while awake, but not while asleep. If your child begins to doze off while riding, stop and wait for them to finish napping before resuming.

3. Be weary of backpacks or child seats mounted to the back of a bike. It is very easy for a child to get loose and fall, so if you are going to go this route make sure that the seat is properly installed and checked.

4. The safest place for your baby is in a bike trailer. This contraption hooks up to the back of the bike and lets your baby ride in comfort. These usually have two or four wheels which make it more stable, and should your baby fall they are much closer to the ground than other options. Do your homework before purchasing one, and read consumer reports to make sure that you are getting a safe model.

5. Travel slowly. The faster you ride the bumpier the ride gets for the baby. Any jiggling could cause problems, so try to stick to smooth areas and a nice and easy ride.

6. Obey all traffic laws. It is imperative that you follow signs and watch out for oncoming traffic. The majority of bike injuries have to do with other vehicles, so keep a look out. Always travel in the day light, and use reflective tape and clothing if you must travel in the hours before dusk or dawn.

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